Here are two examples of blog posts from Ukrainian professionals in my LinkedIn network:

Oleksii has an important message: Ukraine is open for business, despite the war. You can support us by working with us.
Compare his post to Jen’s post:

The main message is the same, but it has more impact because:
- It’s personal: “This is me. I launched this website”
- It’s emotional: “A piece of their heart in every stitch”
- It’s specific: not “support every business” but “buy fashion”
Movie Time will help you turn an important message (Oleksii) into a memorable story (Jen). And the great thing about stories is you can keep telling fresh ones, while your main message remains the same. Find a new moment, with a real person (you or someone else) doing a real thing with real motivation. Then tie it back to your main message.
One message, many stories.
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